Lil Regie

Responsive booking form viewed on phone and tablet screen

Free events

From small and simple to the most complex events - we handle them effortlessly.

Get started for free No credit card required. No contracts

Screenshot of a custom field setup

Collect all the details your event desires

Create custom fields and sections for your booking form to capture all the information you need.

Multiple event badges

Take unlimited registrations per single transaction

Easy for companies and organisations to register multiple people in the same booking.

Screenshot of a custom field setup

Waitlist those who didn’t make it in time

Let people waitlist themselves to sold out events and offer them a ticket if someone else cancels.

Screenshot of a custom field setup

Payments made easy

Process credit card payments securely and offer payment by invoice for your business customers.

Screenshots of our event metrics

Your sales at a glance, always up to date

Take a glance at our real time sales dashboards and know immediately where you stand. Or dive deeper into more detailed reports. Filter bookings by Unpaid to see who still owes you money.

Screenshot of a custom field setup

Managing your attendees couldn’t be easier

Edit attendee details, cancel and refund bookings.

Screenshot of a custom field setup

Check them in at the door

Lil Regie’s mobile and tablet friendly check-in feature let’s you check people in instantly at the door.

People celebrating a successful event

After the event

Once the celebratory hangover wears off, review your event analytics to make your next event even better.